2023 Event Schedule

Cynosport Competitor Schedule Overview 2023

TUESDAY, 10/17

2:00-6:00pm Competitor set-up & Check-in

After you check-in, make sure to visit the PURINA® PRO PLAN® booth to pick up a special competitor welcome gift.

7:00-8:00am Check-in available

8:00am Warm-up Classes (AM)

12:00pm Steeplechase Quarterfinals (all heights)

12:00pm Grand Prix Quarterfinals (all heights)

11:00am-1:00pm Please join us on the mezzanine for a special welcome lunch for competitors and volunteers hosted by PURINA® PRO PLAN®

11:00am-2:00pm Check-in available

2:00pm Warm-up Class (PM)

4:00-6:00pm Check-in available

7am-7:45am Check-in available

8:00am Gamblers Briefing

9:15am Judging begins for:

Masters Challenge Biathlon Jumpers
Dog Agility Masters Team & Veterans Gamblers
Grand Prix Semifinals (all heights)

After 12pm, STP/GP Semifinalist Pins will be available outside the Miller Room (on the mezzanine)
FRIDAY, 10/20

8:00am Snooker Briefing

9:15am Judging begins for:

Masters Challenge Biathlon Standard
Dog Agility Masters Team & Veterans Snooker
Steeplechase Semifinals (all heights)

After 12pm, Team & Veterans Gamblers awards will be available outside the Miller Room 

8:00am Morning Briefing

After 9am, Steeplechase Finalist Shirts will be available at the Miller Room for pickup

9:15am Judging Begins for:

Dog Agility Masters Team & Veterans Jumpers and Standard

After 12pm, Grand Prix Finalist Shirts, as well as Team & Veterans Snooker awards will be available at Miller Room

Afternoon Events begin approximately 2pm, including:

IFCS World Agility Championship Team USA Recognition
Masters Challenge Biathlon Final Awards
Hall of Fame and Volunteer Awards Presentations
Steeplechase Finals (all heights) 
SUNDAY, 10/22

At 7am, Veterans Showcase Shirts will be available at the Miller Room for pickup

8:00am Briefing

9:15am Judging Begins for:

Dog Agility Masters Team 2 & 3 Dog Relay

followed by:

Strategic Games & Team Final Awards
Veterans Showcase
Grand Prix Finals (all heights)

After 12pm, Team & Veterans Jumpers and Standard awards will be available outside the Miller Room


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