2020 Class Schedule

The following general schedule for Cynosport 2020 will be confirmed prior to the test schedule release July 1. 



Afternoon Competitor Set-Up & Check In



Warm-up Classes*

Performance Speed Jumping & Steeplechase Quarterfinals

Performance Grand Prix & Grand Prix Quarterfinals



Masters Challenge Biathlon Classes

Dog Agility Masters Team, Performance Versatility Pairs & Veterans Classes

 Performance Speed Jumping & Steeplechase Semifinals



Masters Challenge Biathlon Classes

Dog Agility Masters Team, Performance Versatility Pairs & Veterans Classes

Performance Grand Prix & Grand Prix Semifinals



Dog Agility Masters Team, Performance Versatility Pairs & Veterans Classes

Junior and Collegiate Handler Showcase

Hall of Fame, Lifetime, and Volunteer Awards Presentations

Performance Speed Jumping & Steeplechase Finals



Dog Agility Masters Team and Performance Versatility Pairs Relay

Veterans Showcase

Performance Grand Prix & Grand Prix Finals


*Warm-up Classes: In order to allow for greater flexibility in arrival times, there will be multiple warm-up class opportunities. Competitors may select one of the available options when submitting their entry.

The 2020 Test Schedule will be available July 1. Additional information on the 2020 World Cynosport Games will be added as it becomes available.

To make sure you don’t miss out on any important updates, sign up for the Cynosport Event Updates and receive them via email, and signup for the Facebook Group: Cynosport World Games.